Workshop on Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project progress.

In the Kyrgyz Republic, the “Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project” (APNIP), funded by the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program and administered by the World Bank.

            The project development objective is to increase agricultural productivity, food security and improve the adequate nutrition of the rural population in certain rayons of the country. The main directions of the project:

  1. Rehabilitation and modernization of drainage and irrigation infrastructure;
  2. Agricultural advisory services;
  3. Nutrition Improvements.

For the objectives indicated above, US $ 38.0 million will be disbursed, where the beneficiaries of the ongoing project will be the population and water user associations in 60 ayil aiymaks, about 36,000 small farms and farmers families for a total of about 162,000 people will be beneficiaries of rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage schemes, and 425 000 people living in 60 ayil aiymaks (vulnerable families, women and children) will become the direct beneficiaries under the program on nutrition improvements.

To wrap up the annual output of this project on November 27, 2017, a workshop was held in the conference room of the Jannat Regency Hotel in Bishkek city, which was dedicated to the activities of the “Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project”. Such workshop for this project is being held for the first time and aims to share information with stakeholders on the basic achieved interim results of the project.

Representatives of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, ministries and agencies, representatives of donor organizations which involved in the project implementation, international and national experts in agriculture, water sector, food security and nutrition have attended the workshop to discuss the interim results of the project.

According to the minutes, the workshop was opened by the Deputy Director General of the Department of Water Resources and Land Improvement A.K. Koilubaev. On behalf of the Department, he expressed his gratitude to the workshop participants for their cooperation in the development of agriculture and water management, and emphasized that the tasks and objectives of the project are consistent with the tasks set in the National Sustainable Development Strategy 2013-2017, as well as in the new National Sustainable Development Strategy 2018-2040. He also expressed the hope that the project will make a significant contribution to the solution of the issues of sustainable development for the long-term period of the country’s development.

Then the speech was given to the Head of the World Bank Office in the Kyrgyz Republic, Ms. Bolormaa Amgaabazar. In her speech, Ms. Bolormaa welcomed the participants of the workshop, she spoke about the importance and significance of agriculture and irrigation for the economy and the population of the republic.

Further, according to the program, the speech was delivered by the Director of the Project Implementation Unit – the workshop moderator K.K. Beishekeev and he presented a presentation on the status of the “National Water Resources Management Project Phase 1” and “Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project”. Then he presented presentations on the components of the APNIP Project: Component 1 – Rehabilitation and modernization of drainage and irrigation infrastructure and Component 2 – Agricultural advisory services.

As for the Component 3 of this project, where works on nutrition improvements is being carried out, the presentation was made by the Component Coordinator – Bozova Saikal.

Further, presentations were made by specialists in food security, financial management, procurement, monitoring and evaluation, social, environmental and legal issues.

During the workshop, the work done by the PIU within a year on project implementation was actively discussed by the workshop participants. There were many questions in all areas of the project. The workshop participants have received comprehensive answers to all questions.

Workshop progress was broadcasted on TV (TV channel “Аlа-Тоо 24”).

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