Workshop for field coordinators and activists of the APNIP
This week, a workshop for field coordinators and activists of the APNIP project started with the participation of the KADK (Association of Village Health Committees of the Kyrgyz Republic) on the topics: “Introduction of programs for a varied diet in the context of COVID-19 through improved methods of growing and storing food at home”, “Communication strategy”, “Planning activities to promote the information campaign within the project”, Preparation for monitoring ”.
During the week, project coordinators and activists will expand their knowledge and gain practical experience in disseminating information among the population and conducting fieldwork in the context of pandemic. The first day of the workshop was attended by the coordinators of components 1 and 2, a, who in their speeches provided information on the progress of project activities, answered questions from the participants. Participants were also asked to work more actively in the field to disseminate information to the public about the project’s activities.
The APNIP project operates in 60 aiyl aimaks (AA) throughout the republic. The project is aimed at improving agricultural productivity, food security, and nutrition for the rural population in certain regions of the republic.
In order to achieve this goal, the project is restoring on-farm irrigation networks of 30 water user associations, of which 5 have been completed to date, agricultural consultancy services are provided, small grants are issued to each of the 30 WUAs in the amount of USD 30,000 for the implementation of agricultural development plans for which WUAs purchase equipment, seeds and fertilizers, as well as train medical workers of FMCs, FGPs, FAPs, health promotion specialists, volunteers of village health committees and volunteers of initiative groups in 60 AA, events and information campaigns are held to disseminate information on the prevention of anemia, healthy eating among children under 2 years of age, adolescent girls and women of reproductive age and growing and storing agricultural products among the rural population in selected rural areas.
The Association of KADK, under the APNIP, carries out activities to improve nutritional behavior, quality and diversity of nutrition at the household level, especially those affecting women of reproductive age, adolescent girls, and children under 5 years of age with the help of volunteers represented by VHCs and initiative groups on nutrition in those villages where there are no VHCs (district centers, villages close to cities and district centers, etc.).