Field Day – exchange of knowledge and first results.

Under the Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project (APNIP) the Project Implementation Unit under the SWRA of the GoKR joint with a partner in training agricultural technologies for farmers in the southern region, namely the SHG, Jalal-Abad Regional Agriculture Consulting Service on June 30 held a Field Day – a demonstration training event in the course of which members of several SHGs at the site of one of their members consolidate the technologies they have passed for planting in the ground, growing and caring for, feeding vegetables.

Gulzat Sayfidinova, a member of the “Zhashtar” self-help group in the village of Alga-2 of the Alga aiyl aimak of the Kadamjai rayon of Batken oblast, fully justified the confidence of the trainers-consultants who selected her as a demonstration farmer. A thorough approach to the demonstration plot is, first of all, the provision of the household plot with irrigation water, the farmer’s attitude to the project’s objective, active participation in the vital life of the SHG and in training. The project for the demonstration site purchases biological products to demonstrate the technique of processing cultures.

Gulzat’s husband dug by hand a well 40 meters deep to provide irrigation water! The family demonstrated the planting of tomatoes carefully sheltered from the scorching sun in the corn, and the beds with cucumbers and pumpkin decorated the first fruits. On the way, watermelons and melons. The family is interested in the possibility of organizing a greenhouse in the future.

In the shade of fruit trees, the three trainers organized three separate thematic areas with the rotation of farmer groups. During the interactive, everyone could ask a question and get an answer, discuss problems, hear the opinions of other farmers on the issue – after all, the main purpose of the event is to exchange the results of agricultural activities.

At the same time, the event was held under the regulations and with strict observance of measures against the spread of the virus. With the announcement in the country of measures to combat the pandemic, which coincided with the beginning of the agricultural season, all educational trainings were transferred to the video lessons mode. Farmers needed this practical generalization of knowledge.

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