About us

The “Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project” funded by the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program contributes to the implementation of the Partnership Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2013-2017, which recognizes the significant role of water resources management and irrigation, both for the country as a whole, and increase agricultural productivity, in particular, to solve the issue of care for maternal and child health, as well as enhancing livelihoods and improving the living conditions of women and children. The project contributes to the achievement of the objectives on reducing poverty and strengthening public welfare.
The project development objective (PDO) is to increase agricultural productivity and food and nutrition security of rural households in selected areas nationwide.
The total project cost is US$38.0 million.
The PDO level results indicators for the project are:

  1. average percentage increase in crop production for WUAs (with completed I&D and advisory services);
  2. number of WUAs with evidence of increased diversification towards crops with higher nutritional value;
  3. proportion of households adopting methods to improve household nutrition;
  4. proportion of beneficiary households with food consumption score (FCS) above 28.5 points;
  5. number of female and male water users provided with improved services.

Procject Components:

  1. Rehabilitation and Modernization of I&D Infrastructure;
  2. Agricultural Advisory Services;
  3. Nutrition Improvements; and (iv) Project Management.