Training in WUA «Тasma-Karanar»

In March 19 – 20, 2019, the company PF “Rural Municipal Development Center” (RMDC), Component 2: “Agricultural Advisory Services” under APNIP, held 2-day training for the representatives of ayil okmotu, tender commission and initiative WUA group “Tasma-Karanar” in Ak-Suu rayon, Issyk-Kul region. A total of 23 people participated in the training, of which 5 women.

The purpose of extension services provided was to train farmers in procurement procedures, business plan development, marketing and agrotechnologies.

Day 1: The participants learnt the procurement procedures and its stages. They have also learnt the methods and procedures for procurement of goods and consulting services, including acceptable for WUAs level procurement methods. Separately, the subject related to a tender commission was also considered. At the end of studying the subject, the practical exercises initiated, where the participants on their own developed a tender documentation(s). It was clarified that while saving money, the WUA could additionally purchase the goods required under the micro-project

According to the participants, the most interesting and difficult topic was marketing and business plan development. They covered topics such as: what is a business plan and its structure; marketing, its functions and market analysis. An important topic was the production and financial plan. Work in groups has caused a lot of discussion, some strange moments have arisen. Public relation s experts explained and answered all the questions farmers asked.

Day 2: The second day of training was dedicated to agricultural technologies. Presentations were made on the rational use of soil, the technology of cultivation of perennial forage grasses (alfalfa, esparcet), cereals (wheat, barley), legumes (beans), corn for grain, and also root crops (sugar beet, carrots) and potatoes. Participants were divided into two groups for practical training. One group worked on wheat cultivation technology, and the second on perennial grass cultivation technology. The representative of each group made a presentation and presented their work. The Public relations expert provided comments and suggestions on improved crop cultivation technology.

The second half of the day was devoted to fertilizers and pest protection.

The training was interesting and useful for farmers. They took an active part and expressed their opinion and related usefulness and had improved their skills not only in the field of agricultural technologies, but also in procurement procedures, market access, pest control, and a business plan elaboration.

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