Price quotations for replication of ready IEM
Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project
The Project Implementation Unit for “Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project” (APNIP) under the Department of Water Resources and Land Improvement of the Kyrgyz Republic announces competitive bidding and invites bidders to submit in a sealed form, bids for the replication of ready IEM (leaflets, booklets, cards and visual aids).
The bidding documents can be obtained from the APNIP Project Implementation Unit at: Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek city, Toktonaliev street 4а, room #103, 1st floor, phone: 0(312) 54 91 03, e-mail:
Bids shall be delivered to the following address: Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek city, Toktonaliev Street 4a, room #103, until 16:00 local time, on July 27, 2018.
Late bids will be rejected and returned to bidders unopened.