Rehabilitation works under the Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project

Currently, the “Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition Improvement” Project Implementation Unit under the Department of Water Resources and Land Improvement, in particular for Component 1: Rehabilitation and modernization of drainage and irrigation infrastructure, a number of WUA selection activities subject to rehabilitation are ongoing. Under this component, the funds will be used to finance: (i) civil works for the rehabilitation and modernization of drainage and irrigation schemes with an existing command area of ​​approximately 60,000 hectares under the management of approximately 30 WUAs and UWUAs; (ii) provision of basic maintenance equipment to WUAs and UWUAs; (iii) rehabilitation of off-farm irrigation infrastructure and water intake structures for about 300 WUAs in order to measure the volume of delivered water; and (iv) limited rehabilitation works on the most important off-farm I&D facilities on the balance of DWRLI.

Rehabilitation works, in its turn, include the reconstruction and construction of on-farm drainage and irrigation canals, drain pipes, water flow meters and other hydraulic structures, as well as limited rehabilitation of significant off-farm infrastructure facilities to strengthen the capacity of six pilot regional irrigation departments (RVK) in the field of MOM. Out of 486 WUAs across the country, in the 30 most effective WUAs that meet the eligibility criteria and are not covered by previous rehabilitation programs, rehabilitation works and equipment modernization will be carried out. WUA selection procedures developed by the World Bank under the “Additional Financing for the Second On-Farm Irrigation Project” will be used, as well as the rehabilitation works and construction supervision plan for I&D infrastructure, developed under the completed projects: OIP-1, OIP-2 and Additional Financing for OIP-2. This envisages repayment of a part of the WUA funds for the performed works to rehabilitate the on-farm irrigation schemes, as well as part of the loan funds for the provided operational equipment. These payments will be made to the Irrigation Development Fund (FIR) for further reinvestment in support of the irrigation sector.

To date, the Project Implementation Unit has reviewed 56 WUAs from the start of the project on the basis of the WUA database, of which a detailed survey was conducted in 9 WUAs. The following criteria were taken into account:

  • Maximum score according to evaluation criteria;
  • Availability of near-border issues;
  • Availability of water in source;
  • WUAs are not included in the list, in which irrigation is carried out from boreholes or through pumping stations;
  • Availability of complex technical problems and high unit costs is also considered.

As of July 1, 2017, a form for submission to the International Development Association (IDA) was developed for approval by 9 WUAs. Among them, there are 5 WUAs in the northern region and 4 WUAs in the southern region. A list of 9 WUAs is given below.

Name of WUA Oblast                             Rayon
WUA “Bereke S”   Таlas Маnas
WUA Kara-Buura Таlas Kara-Buura
WUA Belsovkhoz  Issyk-Kul  Jeti-Оguz
WUA Тоktomush Naryn Jumgal
WUA SKhM Chui Моskva
WUA Gauyan Batken  Kadamjai
WUA Таimonku  Jalal-Аbad Nooken
WUA Kur-Таsh Оsh  Аravan
WUA Jylaldy-Uzgen Оsh Uzgen

The design and estimate documentation on above-mentioned WUAs was developed. Work on announcement of tender for rehabilitation works for these 9 WUAs is ongoing.

Under the “Additional Financing for the Second On-Farm Irrigation Project” for the second quarter of 2017, rehabilitation works were carried out in such WUAs as:

Name of WUA Oblast Rayon
WUA Kashka-Suu Issyk-Kul Jeti-Оguz
WUA Аlagoz-Kaba Issyk-Kul Тоn
WUA Аk-Bulak-Suu Chui Аlamudun
WUA Мyrza-Suu Jalal-Аbad  Bazar-Korgon
WUA Jany-Аryk-SА Jalal-Аbad Nooken
WUA Таldy-Bulak Таlas Таlas

Rehabilitation works are fully completed in 5 WUAs, as for WUA Аlagoz-Kaba, Lot #2, subproject completion process is ongoing.

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