How we overcome the challenges of the crisis

Due to the epidemiological situation in the country to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the work of sub-component 3.3 “Improving home nutrition through home gardening” of the APNIP project on social mobilization with 369 SHGs (self-help group) formed in 2020, consisting of 2,754 farmers (2,488 women) translated to remote format.

Before the pandemic, under the social mobilization plan, information meetings with local self-government bodies, educational trainings for selected rural activists were held in the SHG 3-stream, the distribution of certified crop seeds to SHG members was completed in a timely manner.

Currently, rural activists work with the SHG through WhatsApp groups, hold meetings and discussions on issues related to the SHG life: keeping records, fixing the decisions of the group meetings on the collection and use of the group’s common funds, planning and reporting on the agricultural activities of the SHG members. By means of possibilities of the mobile Internet, various applications, members of the SHG share photos and videos of records on the accounting of expenses, notes, and assignments, as well as a demonstration of their gardens.

Unfortunately, due to the corona crisis, the delivery of small-sized equipment (SSE) to SHG members has been postponed, and the second batch of SSE procurement has been re-analyzed and optimized. Technical specifications for the SSE are presented in the PIU (Project Implementation Unit), that is, the equipment will be necessarily purchased.

Currently, a trilateral communication and interaction of PIU, the company for social mobilization of the PF ADI, training companies of the PF TAIC and RAS JA project, specialists of Component 3 for cross-monitoring of the implementation of the action plan and training schedules for 2020 has been established. Coordination online meetings are held weekly.

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