Results and outcomes of the activities of PF TAIC in 7 oblasts of the Kyrgyz Republic on the provision of training and operation of demonstration plots

On February 6, 2020, in the conference hall of the Dostuk Hotel, the final national seminar was held, organized by the Public Foundation “Center for Education, Consultation and Innovation” on the topic: “Results and outcomes of activities in 7 oblasts of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2018-2020 on the provision of training and Operation of Demonstration Plots (DP)” under the Agricultural Productivity and Nutrition Improvement Project (APNIP).

The purpose of the seminar was to summarize the results of the company’s work, discuss the results achieved and further cooperation with stakeholders.

The seminar participants were demo farmers of pilot WUAs, representatives of oblast and rayon WUA support departments, pilot WUAs, ayil aimaks, APNIP and PF TAIC.

For reference: Under the concluded contract, the PF TAIC from the beginning of the implementation of the project has created demonstration plots (DPs) in 65 WUAs, on the example of which trainings in agronomy / irrigation have been conducted. Of these, 30 DPs – with the installation of drip irrigation equipment, 35 – with the introduction of water-saving irrigation methods (contour irrigation, watering with short furrows, through the furrow, using the Chipoletti and Thomson water measuring devices, soil moisture meters). In total, 3418 WUA members took part in the trainings, of which 843 were women. 102 field days on agronomy and 51 field days on irrigation were held, as well as 183 consultations for members of pilot WUAs.

For 65 demonstration plots, 30 drip irrigation systems (DIS) and spillways were purchased and installed: 209 Thomson and 113 Chipolleti, 65 moisture meters in the amount of 97 thousand US dollars.

During the event, reports were presented by trainers from all 7 regions of the country on the created demonstration plots, installed equipment and their work.

The seminar was held at a high organizational level, the participants thanked the project management and TAIC for the work done in this direction.

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